Sirah Competition - Al-Ashraf Primary School and Nursery, Gloucester

Sirah Competition

Alhamdulillah, firstly, I'd like to thank all of the parents and children who participated in the Sirah competition. The quality of the entries was the highest we've ever had for any competition, and so many of the ideas were more unique and creative than I'd have ever imagined!

We pray these entries are accepted in Allah's court as a token of love for his most beloved, our Nabi Muhammad sall-Allahu alayhi wa-sallam.

The Congregation of Sholawat

An extra congratulations to Ayah A-R for her extraordinary attempt at modeling the slipper of our Habib alayhis salam. She used a wooden panel to pin golden threads onto and wrote the words herself too. Mum and Dad helped with nailing the pins in, otherwise it was her super work mashaAllah.

Posted: 13/10/2023

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House Points
Uthman: 82
Umar: 67
Abu Bakar: 45
Ali: 45

© 2025 Al-Ashraf Primary School and Nursery | Stratton Road, Gloucester, GL1 4HB, (01452) 503533